Tips for RV Storage

RV storage is an important part of owning a recreational vehicle. If your RV isn’t properly stored, it could be damaged or otherwise become unusable.All Stars RVis a family-owned RV shop that offers
recreational vehicle sales, service, parts, and storage in Littleton, Colorado. To ensure your RV is properly stored, here are some tips to help you out.Contact us today!

Choose a Secure Storage Space
Make sure to select a storage space that is both safe and secure. You don’t want your RV or travel trailer broken into and damaged, and you want it easily accessible for when you need it.
Choose our secure RV storage today.

Clean and Prep Your RV
Before you store your RV, make sure to give it a good cleaning. This will help prevent mold and mildew buildup, which can cause damage to the interior of your RV. Additionally, you should also check the fluids, repair any
damage, and disconnect the battery to avoid any electrical problems. You’ll also want to winterize it.
Cover Your RV
Invest in a quality cover to protect your RV from the elements. A well-made cover will help keep out dust, dirt, and moisture, keeping your RV in the best condition possible.
Store Your RV on Level Ground
Make sure to store your RV on level ground. Storing your RV on an uneven surface could cause damage to the undercarriage.
Following these tips will help ensure your RV is stored properly, so you can enjoy it for years to come. OurRV storageis located on our premises where our recreational vehicle shop is, so there are
always people coming and going to ensure your RV is safe and ready for your next adventure.Call today!